Sunday, May 14, 2006

Unfinished Short: "The Plan"

This is an unfinished break-in crime story that I started on a whim one day. Its just a blurb from the section of the story. It's unpolished, even for my work. So take a gander. I'm sure there is a good story in there somewhere.

"This IS easily the worst idea you've ever had."

"Why would you say a thing like that? On no grounds does this even qualify for worst idea? How is this the worst idea?"

They'd been arguing since they switched cars at the empty parkade. The van they were riding was old
There was no radio only uncomfortable silence that had to be filled with argument

"How is this the worst idea?! Are you crazy?! Um I don't know? How about the part where we break into a ...

"Will you try to fucking relax? Everything is going to go off without a hitch. I've seen this done before."

"Great. You've seen this done before. You saw some two-bit thugs wail on a safe in some video- He exhaled deeply, slowly, trying to keep a grip on what remained of the situation I'm really relaxed now"

It was true, he had seen it been done before. What kind of help that would amount to now was anybody's guess.

They would have
It was for poker.

Are you prepared to use it? Answer that question. Can you- tell me- that if becomes "necessary"- you're going to pull that trigger?

He prayed in his head the answer was no but he knew that all bets were off. This was a brand new game of cards. And with the odds both of those boys were drawing to could very easily be yes.

J thought about it His aim was good. He didn't know if it was that good.

"I don't know."

It wasn't a yes. But for what exactly that was worth at this point it might as well have been.

They stepped out of the van into the ally. The rain was comming down much harder now. It soaked through the jackets and coveralls. The rain was warm.

"So, we're really going to do this?"
"So, we're really going to do this."

With one last pause they said their last silent hail marys and began to climb the fire escape. The clank of hard CAT soles on an old steel ladder filled the air.

"The Plan"

It was quite genius, really.

The door was steel and locked into place with a rather large dead bolt. And if you were skilled enough to knock down the door the alarm sensors on the door would instantly trigger the alarm promptly dispatching the authorities

Being the stronger of the two had the uneasy job of carrying "plan b". Plan B was two re-enforced 25 sledge hammers, 4 steel spike wedges, and two of the biggest oil rig pry bars they could find